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A Pandemic Journal – Timothy Dill

A Pandemic Journal Resilience through Struggle and Loss

As the Covid-19 Pandemic gripped the world, I like many people tried to make sense of what seemed like a world upside down. Like Alice In Wonderland, once down the rabbit hole, what was once normal lost its’ relevance. The Pandemic brought not only the anxiety of illness and death, but the fear of job loss and the struggle of isolation and emotional stability. In an attempt to make some sense of this changing environment, I began keeping a photographic journal.To say I went into this project, A Pandemic Journal, Resilience through Struggle and Loss, without any expectations would be dishonest. I thought my images would lean towards and document the despair, COVID-19 inflicted upon individuals as they lived their daily lives. Initially I captured images from my vehicle for personal safety and to abide by the States, NJ and PA, mandates regarding social distancing and shut downs. Many of my initial images captured business and recreation disruptions. The images also documented the restrictions and guidelines related to the effects of social distancing and the wearing of protective mask. 

My initial expectations of human despair were obviously present but shortly into the project I began to observe and create images that were capturing the resilience of people. A resilience of humanity’s ability to adapt to an ever changing normal. I began to witness, the living of everyday life through the struggle and pain. People persevered and continued on, and at times there were moments like a break in the storm clouds where joy was present. 

As the crisis of the COVID-19 Pandemic, continues, so do I. I am continuing in my efforts to explore and document my my vision of the moments that unfold in front of me. Moments of life, a need to stay present and a vision of the life my mind calls out for me to see. 

Timothy Dill